We all know that cats can be picky eaters, but did you know that there are actually some human foods that are safe for them to eat? Many of us have heard the old saying that “cats should never eat human food,” but that is a bit of an overstatement. In reality, there are actually quite a few human foods that are not only safe for cats to eat, but can also provide them with essential nutrients. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 10 human foods that you can safely feed your feline friend.
1) Apples

A small amount of apple can make a tasty treat for cats. Be sure to remove any seeds and stems before giving it to your cat, as they can be toxic. Apples can be a source of fiber and vitamins, but don’t overdo it—limit apples to small amounts only. The most important thing is to monitor how much you give, as too much can lead to digestive upset.
2) Bananas
Bananas are a safe and nutritious treat for cats. They are high in vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Offer your cat a small piece of banana as an occasional snack. Make sure it’s cut into tiny pieces, so they don’t choke on it. Also, only give a very small amount of banana, as too much can lead to gastrointestinal upset.
3) Cooked chicken

A safe and healthy option for cats, cooked chicken is a great source of protein. It should be cooked thoroughly to avoid the potential of bacteria and then given in small amounts as a treat or added to kibble. Cats should not have raw chicken, as it can contain salmonella or other bacteria.
4) Cooked fish
Cooked fish, such as salmon, tilapia, and tuna, is a nutritious food for cats. It should be served cooked and boneless, as bones can be a choking hazard. Feeding cats small portions of fish can provide them with essential fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals.
5) Canned tuna

High in protein, canned tuna can make a great treat for your cat. Be sure to buy plain tuna with no added salt or flavorings, and offer only a small amount at a time. Too much tuna can give cats digestive problems, so make sure to feed in moderation.
6) Eggs
Eggs are a great source of protein and can be an occasional treat for your cat. Scrambled or boiled eggs can be served to your cat in moderation. Be sure not to add salt, butter, or other seasonings. You can also feed them raw egg yolks, but raw egg whites should be avoided as they can cause biotin deficiency in cats.
7) Green beans

Green beans are a great and healthy option for cats. They are low in calories and provide nutrients such as fiber, vitamin A, and iron. When feeding green beans to your cat, make sure to only give them cooked and soft beans. Raw green beans may cause digestive issues. To serve them, you can either mash them up or feed them as is. Make sure you don’t overfeed them as too many green beans could lead to digestive problems.
8) Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a healthy and safe food for cats to eat. It should be given in small amounts, preferably cooked and plain with no added sugar or salt. Oats contain essential vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin B and phosphorus, which can help keep your cat healthy. Oats can also help maintain a healthy digestive system and promote a shiny coat. Just make sure it is served cool and doesn’t contain anything else.
9) Peanut butter

A small amount of peanut butter can be a tasty treat for cats. Always make sure to check the label and avoid any that contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, as these can be toxic to cats. If your cat enjoys it, feed them only a tiny bit at a time. Peanut butter can make a great occasional treat, just don’t overdo it.
10) Sweet potatoes
A great source of dietary fiber, sweet potatoes can be a delicious snack for your cat. Just make sure to cook them first and cut them into small pieces before feeding them to your pet. Sweet potatoes contain vitamins A, C, and B-6, making them a great choice for a healthy treat. Plus, cats love the sweet taste!