To get the most value from your board meeting demands that you structure real discussions that will elicit the participation and leadership. The majority of the meeting should be dedicated to discussing strategies and approving action plans. This is the job of board members and their diverse skills can be very beneficial.
To show respect to the busy schedules of fellow board members, start the meeting on time. Beware of letting the committee’s reports go on too long as this could cause the rest of the meeting to become derailment. To ensure everyone is on the right path the chair should summarise the main points of the minutes and board package from the previous meeting before moving on to the next item.
Distribute your board documents in time so directors can review them prior to the meeting. But not too soon, or the information becomes outdated. The ideal time to send board materials is two or three days before the date of a board meeting. This gives directors plenty of time to read through. A consistent preparation provides board members with the tools they require to focus on governance and makes it easier for them to attend meetings. Utilize a collaboration tool to review and edit the board’s materials. This will allow the entire team to review and edit documents even after they’ve been shared. Everyone will be updated instantly with any changes, keeping everyone on the same page.