Did you know that goldfish can tell the difference between colors, recognize their owners, and even have a memory span of up to three months? It may come as a surprise, but these fascinating creatures are actually quite intelligent. In this blog post, we will explore ten strange but true facts about goldfish that you may not have known before. So, get ready to be amazed and discover some interesting things about these beloved aquatic pets!
1) Goldfish can be trained to do tricks

Surprisingly, goldfish can be taught to do certain tricks. With patience and consistency, they can learn to recognize and respond to their owners. Goldfish can be trained to swim through hoops, follow a target with their eyes, and even come when called. Training a goldfish requires dedication and time, but it can be done!
2) Goldfish have a three second memory
Goldfish have a short attention span and are known to have a three second memory. This means they can only remember something for a few seconds before forgetting it. In fact, their memory is so short that they forget even the route to their food! Despite this, goldfish are capable of learning and can recognize their owners.
3) Goldfish can suffer from depression

Goldfish can become stressed or depressed due to changes in their environment. This can result in a lack of appetite and lethargy. To help your goldfish avoid depression, provide them with the proper care and attention, such as maintaining a consistent temperature and providing a balanced diet.
4) Goldfish see in color
Goldfish have good vision and can see in both dim and bright light. They can also detect colors, including blues, greens, yellows and reds. Goldfish even have the ability to distinguish between different hues of the same color. They have three layers of cones in their eyes, just like humans, and can use this to distinguish between different shades.
5) Goldfish can get sunburned

Yes, goldfish can indeed get sunburned if they are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. This can cause their scales to lose their color and can lead to infection and other health problems. To protect your goldfish from sunburn, keep them in a shady area of the tank or use a tank cover to block out the sun’s rays.
6) Goldfish can sleep with their eyes open
Yes, it’s true! Goldfish can sleep with their eyes open. They do this to remain alert and aware of any potential threats or changes in their environment. It’s an evolutionary advantage that allows them to stay safe and alive! Not only that, but goldfish can also recognize individual humans and remember them for months. This means if you take the time to get to know your fish, they’ll be sure to remember you!
7) A group of goldfish is called a troubling

This is because they tend to swim in large groups. A school of goldfish is very interesting to watch and the group behavior can be quite entertaining. As an individual, a goldfish is known as a twit. They have excellent vision, and can even recognize their owners. They also have a good sense of smell and are able to detect food from a distance.
8) The average lifespan of a goldfish is 10-15 years
Goldfish are known for their long lifespans. Generally, a healthy goldfish can live up to 10-15 years if properly cared for. It’s possible for goldfish to live much longer with proper care. In fact, a goldfish named Tish once lived to be 43 years old! That’s more than four times the average lifespan!
9) Some goldfish can grow up to 18 inches long

Goldfish can range in size, depending on the species and the environment in which it is kept. While the common goldfish typically grows up to 8 inches long, some types, such as the Shubunkin, can grow up to 18 inches long. It’s important to ensure your tank is large enough for your goldfish to have plenty of room to swim and grow.
10) Goldfish are originally from China
Goldfish have been part of Chinese culture for centuries. They were first kept as ornamental fish in ponds during the Tang dynasty and quickly became popular throughout Asia. Today, they are found in many parts of the world and remain a beloved pet. Despite their small size, goldfish can actually reach lengths of up to 18 inches!